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Jump To: Directory (1)  |  Archive (14)  |  Image (6)  |  Audio (3)  |  Text (9)  |  Other (1)

Directories (1)
Name# Files

Archives (14)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
Demo2.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 16 9KB 1995-04-19
Icon↵.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 6 3KB 1995-08-29
Intro1.pict.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 16 8KB 1995-08-14
IntroSound.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 6 3KB 1994-12-28
MENU SAMPLE.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 7 2KB 1995-11-10
movie2.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 10 8KB 1994-03-08
PICTA1.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 7 2KB 1995-04-19
PICTA2.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 9 5KB 1995-08-14
PICTA3.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 9 5KB 1995-08-14
Printout1.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 6 3KB 1995-11-09
REGISTER.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 6 3KB 1995-11-09
SAMPLE.PICT.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 9 7KB 1995-08-14
Sound1.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 6 3KB 1994-12-28
SSA.rsrc MacOS Resource Fork 6 3KB 1994-12-28

Images (6)

Audio & Music (3)
IntroSound Audio Interchange File Format 1s 15KB 1994-12-28
Sound1 Audio Interchange File Format 1s 15KB 1994-12-28
SSA Audio Interchange File Format 1s 15KB 1994-12-28

Text (9)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
Customizing InterFaze Text File 39 6KB 1995-11-09
Final Steps Text File 22 1KB 1995-08-14
Hints & Tips Text File 21 1KB 1995-08-14
How To Use InterFaze Text File 13 780b 1995-08-14
New with this version! Text File 21 235b 1995-11-09
Printout1 Text File 29 2KB 1995-11-09
REGISTER Text File 29 2KB 1995-11-09
Special Version Text File 21 1KB 1995-08-14
What is InterFaze? Text File 23 1KB 1995-11-09

Other Files (1)
movie2 Unknown 116KB 1994-03-08